History Of The DUftp FTP Client for MiNT-net ============================================ [20/5/95] o Started thinking about it :) o Did the basic GUI layout. [23/5/95] o Recompiled MiNT-LIBS pl44 for Lattice C 5.52, adding some patches to get things working. o Got DULIB to work ok with MINTLIBS instead of the standard Lattice libraries. [28/5/95] o ZAP....progress has been made. Started using Chris Ridd's Lattice version of MiNTLIBpl46, and got Steve Sowerby's rebuild of the MiNT-net libs to work by re-building a long version. o Got all the above working with the DULIB GUI code and started converting the FTP code from the BSD sources. Got as far as getting getservbyname(ftp,tcp) to work before bedtime....at least it's stable - runs fine under MiNT+singleGEM & MiNT+AES4.1. [29/5/95] o Split all FTP functionality off from interface, so I can re-use the FTP code for other projects. o Finished the FTP initialisation code. o Implemented the SERVERS.INF file to hold a bookmarks list of servers. o Fixed bug in netlibs getservent() - it was returning 65535 as port number for service, no matter what was in /etc/services (should be 21 for ftp). [actually this is a bug in the MiNTlibs for Lattice C maths routines, - I've used a work around for now....Chris Ridd is trying to fix the bug] o Hookup now working - connects to remote service on correct port. o Got the first bit of interaction with the server working - SYST command to interogate remote system type. o Set all transfers to use binary mode (I know it violates the RFC). o Added a gnatty little online/offline icon in the File Tranfer window to show when you're connected... [30/5/95] o Coded login routine. DUftp now logs into the server it has connected to using details from the SERVERS.INF file. [31/5/95] o Major reciever code section ported from BSD. o Got remote-to-local (get) data transfers to work. o Implemented remote_ls() function to get a directory listing using r-to-l data transfer routine for incoming listing. Hangs at the moment after getting directory, but this could be the fault of not having HSMODEM in when I tested it (standard FTP does the same thing without HSMODEM on my machine). [1/6/95] o Added option to call DIP from inside DUftp, nice easy way to get a connection. This basically just forks off the extras/dip.ttp program, redirects it's output to a file then returns to the main program. If things don't work, look in the file extras/dip.dbg for the redirected output from DIP. The file extras/slip.dip holds a DIP script to do the login. I've included my own script, it will need replacing with your own script to work work you. I've had a few problems with detecting on/off line, so I'll try to get round to building a new version of DIP to give DUftp that information (probably dumping it in a pipe). o Tried remote_ls() with HSMODEM, viola it works fine. Only got it dumping the listing to a file or to stdout at the moment, have to fix that.....add a dump to memory option to get the file list into memory. o Added code for browsing server bookmarks list. [2/6/95] o Added code for editable text fields and fixed-keyboard-focus (click to type instead of point to type). DULIB code. o Made bookmarks fields editable. o Tested multiple FTP links under MultiTOS - no problems running two sessions - uses around 150K per client at present. I expect this to go up to about 200K per client by the time I've finished. o Improved the code for handling DIP, now get a nice dialog to say that DIP is running, detects when DIP is finished & brings up another dialog to confirm that SLIP is running (if it is). Detects whether SLIP is up on intferface 'sl0' using code poached from Kay Roemer's IFCONFIG program. [3/6/95] o Remote file list now comes up in the main windows scrolling list. o Drag & Drop implemented for the remote->local transfer. o Added progress dialog for FTP transfers. *BUG: Sometimes DUftp hangs the machine under single GEM. I think this could *be a conflict between GEM and DUftp (signals are used a lot to handle *various stuff). Also, the MiNT ftp server only works if you log in as root. *this problem doesn't affect 'real' servers - I think chroot() is broken *under MiNT, so the server doesn't quite work right. [4/6/95] o Re-coded the 'ls -l' file list decoder routine to handle symlinks correctly. o Added file size & directory indication to the remote file list. o Did a hypertext helpfile. Everyone else has one, I suppose I should to. [6/6/95] (cann't you tell my exams are finished now) o Added a parent '..' entry to the remote file list. o Double click on remote file list now changes the current directory in remote file list. o Added an 'Open New' dialog, which opens new servers that don't appear in the bookmarks list. o Added the 'Add New Server' code to create an empty new bookmark. o Can now save the Server Bookmarks list. o Added the 'Add BM' button to add the currently open server to the bookmarks list. o Added the STOP button in the progress dialog to abort a transfer part way through - this does a legal abort, so you remain connected to the server and can continue your session. (although some servers will kick you out for doing this). o Added keyboard shortcuts for a lot of stuff. o Disabled connection options whilst we are connected, 'coz all they did was tell you to disconnect first anyway. [7/6/95] o Coded the local filesystem handling (support for long filenames, etc). o Local file list & current path now work. o Coded the remote->local file transfer routine, tested it working getting files from micros.hensa.ac.uk :) o Tied drag&drop & remote access routines together with the local filesystem handler, so now dragging a file to the local list actually gets the file and puts it in the correct directory. [8/6/95] o Bloody binary transfers aren't working. Can't work out why, but keeps doing LF->CRLF conversion on binary mode transfers. [9/6/95] o Chucked out the poached BSD initialisation code for a file transfer, it was to complex, and didn't work compiled with Lattice (though it did compiled with GCC?). o Coded a simple replacement for the file transfer initialisation code. o Simple is obviously best, binary file transfer now works no problem. ===================================================================================== BETA TEST RELEASE 1 ===================================================================================== Not bad, just under three weeks start to beta 1............including debugging the Lattice libraries :) [10/6/95] o After a request by Ben Ball, now search for 'SERVERS.INF' and 'servers.inf' to make running from a minix partition more straightforward. o Changed the handling of the default bookmark (ie. it doesn't appear if SERVERS.INF was found), as the anonymous loopback doesn't actually work on MiNT's ftpd. o After bug report from Ben Ball (thanks Ben) I've fixed the compatibility problem with SpeedoGDOS. Silly mistake - called v_opnvwk() with a wrong parameter, NVDI copes, Speedo doesn't. I seldom use Speedo so I didn't notice it myself. Also, that fixed the same bug in CLAv3 (as I use the same GUI lib for both). [13/6/95] (in spite of the fact that I'm looking after my son on my own this week) o Implemented remote_pwd() function. o Added remote filesystem path to the file transfer window. o Added the remote path to information held in the bookmarks file. Now takes you to a specified place in the remote filesystem. o Added Delete Server button to get rid of unwanted bookmarks. o Included support for mono-machines (still requires AES3.6 or better at the moment, but will run on a mono monitor and you can still read everything). [14/6/95] o Redesigned the file transfer window to look a bit more like Kobold instead of Rapid Filer - RF is a PC standard, where-as Kobold's interface is more standard on the atari, and gives a better view of the files anyway (11 files at once as opposed to 5 using the old format). [15/6/95] o Various minor tweaks to the way things work (better scrolling lists, remote files list is emptied whenever you close a connection, etc). o Arghh!! The MiNT ftpd local server has managed to crash minixFS and taken out almost the whole of my networking setup....bugger. o Added a Mono resource file for older AES machines (no CICONs in it). [16/6/95] o Now checks for AES version to select which resource file to load. [17/6/95] o Added context sensitive help (via ST-Guide). [21/6/95] o Recovered (mostly) from the problems caused by my minix partition crashing. ===================================================================================== GENERAL WIDE RELEASE 1 (BETA 2) =====================================================================================